
Shree Rayeshwar Institute of Engineering and Information Technology, Shiroda (2019 - 2023) RIT Logo

I undertook the B.E. Computer Engineering program at Shree Rayeshwar Institute of Engineering and Information Technology, Shiroda, from 2019 to 2023. This academic journey equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of computer engineering and its various facets. The institution's focused curriculum and conducive learning environment played a pivotal role in honing my skills and knowledge in the field.
Course: B.E. Computer Engineering
MES College, Vasco PCMB (2017 -2019)

Work Experience

Software Developer Intern at CC Logo
Duration: Aug 2022 to Oct 2022 (2 months)

Created a Web application to keep track of a GitHub user's public repositories and notify the Admin. Created a Dashboard,Created an Email notification system that notifies the users in the notification list via email .
Technologies Used: ReactJS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS, ExpressJS, NestJS, PostgreSQL, Git, GitHub, VS Code, Postman


Intermediate knowledge of web development language(HTMl,CSS,javascript)
Intermediate knowledge of C++, C# (begineer knowledge of Qt and winform for GUI Development)
Intermediate knowledge of (Unity3D)
Begineer knowledge of Java
Begineer knowledge of shell Scripting(Linux)
Begineer knowledge of Python
Begineer knowledge of Unreal Development Kit(U.E.5)
Begineer knowledge of Blender and Adobe Photoshop
Advance knowledge of Windows OS andManjaro(linux)
Intermediate knowledge of Github and git(version Control)
Begineer knowledge of Tensorflow and OpenCV(ML)


  • Gaming -played all types of games.

  • Football - I love playing and watching football. I am a huge fan of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club.
  • Cubing - My record for solving a Rubik's cube is 40 seconds. I average about 1 minute max.